Read The Reviews About Our Assisted Living Facilities For Sale!
As our loved ones grow older, they often need specialized, round the clock care that we just can’t provide for them on our own. That’s why more and more Assisted Living Facilities are popping up all across the country, and why ALF For Sale is helping Florida assisted living companies find the homes and facilities that meet all their needs. Our personal touch goes beyond simple real estate, however— read all about our expert knowledge, personal care, and services that go beyond your expectations not from us, but from our own clients! (And don’t forget to call us when looking for a personal care home for sale!)

Looking For A Personal Care Home For Sale? You’re In Luck
Finding the right facility for your residents and your staff can be difficult. That’s why it’s important to have experts helping you navigate the field. ALF For Sale uses our extensive resources and experience to make the buying, selling, and transition between facilities as smooth as possible. Up our sleeve is a network of commercial real estate agents, title companies, mortgage companies, architects, construction management, licensing consultants, and all the specialists you'll need to purchase, sell, or build your new assisted living facility.
Our services don't stop there, however. After the sale, we'll help you staff your facility with reputable physicians, nurses, etc., while making sure everything in the running of your new facility is up to code and includes the most for your residents.
With over a decade’s worth of focused attention to regulations, the latest in senior care services, and experience in the healthcare and assisted living industry, we are able to provide an exceptional alignment of services. With all this concentrated in one place, ALF For Sale creates a unique atmosphere that makes your needs easier to achieve, with consistent guidance you can trust.

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Check Out Our Reviews
With so many services under one roof, you might worry that we’re spread too thin, or the quality of one aspect of our service may suffer in favor of another. Our clients couldn’t disagree more.
Many have found working with us at ALF For Sale to be a tremendous stress-reliever in the difficult process of buying, selling, transitioning to and from, and even building an assisted living facility. Our comprehensive list of services allows us to streamline your journey so that you can get to the most important part— aiding our local seniors in their day-to-day care.
We love hearing back from our clients and learning how we helped them not only find the perfect facility, but bring it to life as well. Read our reviews for yourself to learn more about our clients’ experiences with us!

Contact Us
ALF For Sale is a Florida assisted living real estate and administration company that makes finding the right personal care home for sale, and getting them started with all the proper codes, licensing, technology, and caring staff a whole lot easier. Have everything taken care of in one place— call us at ALF For Sale now!